Helpdesk Report: Scaling-up ITN access and use in sub-Saharan Africa:Estimated LLIN requirements and coverage outcomes based on the global delivery strategy mix


This report presents the relative cost-effectiveness of scaling-up delivery of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN). It concludes that there is currently unrealistic optimism on the levels of access to LLINs and their use that can be achieved within the next few years, and on the numbers of LLINs needed to reach these targets.


Webster, J.; Smith, L.; Lines, J. Helpdesk Report: Scaling-up ITN access and use in sub-Saharan Africa:Estimated LLIN requirements and coverage outcomes based on the global delivery strategy mix. Health Resource Centre, UK (2008) 21 pp.

Helpdesk Report: Scaling-up ITN access and use in sub-Saharan Africa:Estimated LLIN requirements and coverage outcomes based on the global delivery strategy mix

Published 1 January 2008