Helpdesk Report: Different Funding Modalities for Health



What is the evidence on providing health funding support through unearmarked sector budget support as opposed to disease specific funds or programmes? Are there specific outcomes that can be attributed to different funding modalities? Are there any outcomes (or outputs) that can be linked to the way support is provided including sustainability or institutional strengthening? Is one way or the other way better or worse for outcomes?


This report examines the evidence on the success of health funding through unearmarked sector budget support and disease specific and programme funding.  It considers the following areas:

  1. Budget support and sector wide approaches (SWAps)
  2. Sector budget support in practice, ODI and Mokoro
  3. Disease specific programmes
  4. Papers on different funding modalities for health
  5. Aid effectiveness

Global health partnerships can result in a 'brain drain' of individuals best placed to provide national technical and managerial leadership. This report also provides some case studies, and has some useful discussion on the pros and cons of budget support and other funding mechanisms.


Bolton, L. Helpdesk Report: Different Funding Modalities for Health. Human Development Resource Centre, UK (2011) 25 pp.

Helpdesk Report: Different Funding Modalities for Health

Published 1 January 2011