"Hearing the Voices of the Poor": Assigning Poverty Lines on the Basis of Local Perceptions of Poverty. A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data from Participatory Wealth Ranking in Rural South Africa.


We applied a mixed-methods approach to participatory wealth ranking (PWR) to identify the number of poor households in eight villages of rural South Africa and describe how poor they are. We generated a household wealth index on the basis of the ranking process and statements made on standard of living. Descriptions from PWR identified households as “very poor,” “poor, but a bit better off,” or “doing OK.” Of 9 671 households, 3 113 (32.2%) could be considered “very poor” or “poor.” The paper presents a novel approach to wealth ranking that generates a rich appraisal of poverty.


Hargreaves, J.R.; Morison, L.A.; Makhubele, M.B.; Kim, J.C.; Busza, J.; Watts, C.; Pronyk, P.M.; Gear, J.S.S.; Porter, J.D.H. "Hearing the Voices of the Poor": Assigning Poverty Lines on the Basis of Local Perceptions of Poverty. A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data from Participatory Wealth Ranking in Rural South Africa. World Development (2007) 35 (2) 212-229. [In: Experiences of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches in Poverty Analysis; Ed.: Kanbur, R.; Shafferdoi, P.; DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2005.10.021]

"Hearing the Voices of the Poor": Assigning Poverty Lines on the Basis of Local Perceptions of Poverty. A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data from Participatory Wealth Ranking in Rural South Africa.

Published 1 January 2007