Health systems factors influencing maternal health services: a four-country comparison.


It is widely understood that maternal health care relies on the entire health system. However, little empirical, country-specific, research has been done to trace out the ways in which health system elements can shape maternal health outcomes. This study seeks to redress this situation, by providing an example of how a health systems approach can benefit the understanding of maternal health services. A comparative analysis was conducted based on extensive case studies of maternal health and health systems in Bangladesh, Russia South Africa and Uganda. A number of cross-cutting health system characteristics affecting maternal health were identified by comparing these diverse settings.

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Comparing maternal health services in four countries


Health Policy, 73 (2), 127-138 pp. [doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2004.11.001}

Health systems factors influencing maternal health services: a four-country comparison.

Published 1 January 2005