'Health management' in the private sector in the context of HIV/AIDS: progress and challenges faced by company programmes in South Africa.


‘Health management’ of employees is becoming a common imperative for companies that do business in regions where there is an HIV epidemic. Private sector initiatives in South Africa have evolved considerably. However, core components of HIV/AIDS-oriented workplace programmes, voluntary counselling and testing and anti-retroviral treatment, are not as effective as expected, despite considerable investment in them. There is some evidence to suggest gradual improvement in employee participation, yet this is coupled with employees defaulting from treatment programmes. This article explores reasons for these developments, the focus being on the economic and financial challenges facing private sector workplace health programmes.


Sustainable Development (2009) 17 (1) pp. 19–29 [DOI:10.1002/sd.366]

‘Health management’ in the private sector in the context of HIV/AIDS: progress and challenges faced by company programmes in South Africa.

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Published 1 January 2009