Guidelines for managing non-timber products of miombo woodlands. Validated RNRRS Output.


This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID's 10-year Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy (RNRRS) programmes.

Summary for Project title: R6709: Sustainable management of miombo woodland by local communities in Malawi.

Appropriate methods, better knowledge of product demand, and improved understanding of the factors that determine villagers' abilities to manage the miombo woodlands in eastern and southern Africa, have now been developed. Preliminary guidelines for the management of the three types of miombo forests (low altitude dry, montane/hill, and wet plateau) are now being used by government and NGOs in Malawi. Guidelines on the harvesting of non-timber products have also been produced, and awareness raised within target communities. Although abundant, miombo trees are slow-growing and were long thought unsuitable for cultivation, but these indigenous woodlands harbour a diversity of tree species producing lumber and valuable non-timber products such as poles, firewood, ropes, wild fruits, honey, reeds, bamboos, and medicinal plants.

The CD has the following information for this output: Description, Validation, Current Situation, Current Promotion, Impacts On Poverty, Environmental Impact. Attached PDF (12 pp.) taken from the CD.


FRP14, New technologies, new processes, new policies: tried-and-tested and ready-to-use results from DFID-funded research, Research Into Use Programme, Aylesford, Kent, UK, ISBN 978-0-9552595-6-2, p 45.

Published 1 January 2007