GSMA mHealth Gender Toolkit

A reference guide for mHealth VAS providers and partners


This toolkit is a reference guide for mHealth VAS providers and partners, to help improve their services by making them more gender inclusive and to reach more female users. The toolkit is divided into 8 sections:

  • Sections 1 - 6 follow the product development process
  • Sections 7 - 8 are additional resources

The toolkit is designed to be read both as one whole document, and as a standalone section: users can use particular sections only, if preferred.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s mNutrition - Business models for mobile phone based delivery of nutrition services in Africa and South Asia


GSMA mHealth (2017) GSMA mHealth Gender Toolkit, 39p

GSMA mHealth Gender Toolkit

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Published 1 September 2017