Governing black gold: lessons from oil finds in Turkana, Kenya

This briefing examines lessons from Turkana where oil finds are associated with new conflict risks and changes in peacebuilding


This briefing examines lessons from Turkana, Kenya, where oil finds are associated with new conflict risks as well as changes in peacebuilding institutions and relations.

This work is part of ‘Large development investment and local peacebuilding in rural Africa: building and sustaining peace at the margins’ project supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the UK Department for International Development. The brief was prepared by personnel from IDS and SaferWorld.


Lind, J et al (2017) Governing black gold: lessons from oil finds in Turkana, Kenya. IDS Research Briefing October 2017

Governing black gold: lessons from oil finds in Turkana, Kenya

Published 30 October 2017