Global LEAP Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey

In 2016, Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP) conducted a survey of energy access professionals


Highly efficient off-grid appliances—such as refrigerators, fans, televisions, and others—provide enhanced energy services while reducing the costs associated with off-grid energy supply, maximizing the value of every available watt and putting life-changing modern energy services within reach of many for the first time.

In late 2016, Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP) conducted a survey of energy access professionals to assess the expected demand for and impact of off-grid, solar-powered appliances, including household, small-medium enterprise (SME), and clinical applications. The goal is to help market actors throughout the energy access value chain make better-informed decisions about off-grid appliances, from investment and policy, to manufacturing, procurement and marketing.

The survey results are intended to provide a glimpse of the current thinking of clean energy access professionals. Additional market research efforts taking deeper, more systematic looks at these and related questions would enhance the global understanding of off-grid appliances.

This survey was developed by the United Nations Foundation and CLASP, and CLASP conducted the analysis. The United Nations Foundation is a Global LEAP Partner, and CLASP serves as Operating Agent for several Global LEAP activities. The survey was funded by the UK Department for International Development.

This work was funded by the UK Department for International Development as part of the ‘Support the Development of the Low Energy Inclusive Appliances (LEIA)’ programme.


CLASP. (2017). Global LEAP Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey.

Global LEAP Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey

Published 30 November 2017