Girls and basic education - A cultural enquiry


This study attempts to do three things: first to provide an argument for acknowledging and using the cultural dimension in educational development, second to put the case for a culturally more appropriate research methodology; and third to address the issue of access and gender in schooling within a cultural framework.

Specifically the study examines the issues and experiences of women teachers and girl drop-outs from school in two contrasting Ghanaian cultural contexts.

Using predominantly life history interviews the experiences of women and girls are examined within the inter-relating domains of home, economy, and school. An effort is made in the analysis to locate the experiences of women and girls within policy and research frameworks, with particular attention given to recent efforts by Government and the Donor community to improve educational provision for girls.

The study concludes with an overview of cultural issues determining the educational experiences of those interviewed and in suggesting implications for policy makers at national and local level.


Educational Paper No. 23, DFID, London, UK, ISBN 1 86192 036 9, 160 pp.

Girls and basic education - A cultural enquiry

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Published 1 January 1998