Gender Equity in Commonwealth Higher Education: An Examination of Sustainable Interventions in Selected Commonwealth Universities. Researching the Issues 65


This study is an exploration of how gender equity is promoted and impeded in higher education institutions in South Africa, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda. It is the first study of its kind as policy and research attention have tended to focus on gender and basic education in low-income countries.

The focus was on three areas of intervention for gendered change: access, curriculum transformation and staff development. The five countries were selected for their varying national policies on gender equity and their commitment to international policies to end discrimination against women. South Africa has generated a range of race and gender equity and transformation polices in higher education. Uganda and Tanzania have specific gender equity policies. Sri Lanka initiated social welfare policies in the post-independence period. Nigeria has a policy of expansion in higher education, with particular emphasis on developing science and technology.

The five case study institutions were selected for their organisational policies and practices for equality, gender mainstreaming, curriculum innovation, affirmative action and programmes to encourage women into higher education in general and into non-traditional subject areas in particular.


Educational Paper No. 65, DFID, London, UK, 150 pp.

Gender Equity in Commonwealth Higher Education: An Examination of Sustainable Interventions in Selected Commonwealth Universities. Researching the Issues 65

Published 1 January 2006