Future Health Systems: Innovations for Equity RPC. Final Report (October 1, 2005-September 30, 2010).


The final report of the Future Health Systems (FHS) Research Programme Consortium (RPC) summarizes the work of the consortium from October, 2005 and ending in September, 2010, the total project period for the consortium. During this period, the consortium has implemented its research, capacity building and communication activities following the annual activity plans, and has been able to meet its objectives. Following the recommendations made from the mid-term evaluation, the consortium intensified its effort related to implementation of its communications strategy, and has surpassed its planned research outputs and research impact.

The report first summarises the research outputs and impacts, and then gives an overview of the research highlights from the project countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, India, Nigeria and Uganda. Outputs and products of the RPC are reported, and all products and publications are listed, including 103 peer reviewed articles, 30 book chapters, and 78 other research communications products.

FHS has informed and influenced policies in partner countries by implementing innovative research strategies and through building new partnerships. Through its research and policy work, the consortium has contributed to the health systems of FHS partner countries, particularly contributing to understanding health related market systems, informal health markets, complex implementation processes and practical ways of understanding complexity, equity and access to services, and understanding research to policy processes. FHS research is having a strong positive impact on policy and program debates and planning processes by its contributions through international publication and presentation at global as well as in-country conferences. FHS teams have been extensively involved and working closely with key stakeholders in government, civil society, and health research and development communities in all partner countries and at the international level. The consortium has brought in a broader range of actors for implementing change, including social entrepreneurs, consumer groups, and trade associations. The research has included scoping studies which have helped to set agendas and inform discussions to influence policies in each of the partner countries to find ways to address the health services and financing needs of the poor, as well as in international settings.

For example, FHS China research on the integration of medical assistance and insurance schemes has become the documented policy for the country. FHS research on user fees directly influenced the decision to change the user fee policy across the country in Afghanistan. In Nigeria, an agreement was made to integrate two major interventions with informal providers into the national framework of the government’s Roll Back Malaria programme. FHS research is influencing national health policies at both national and local levels in other FHS countries, including through the establishment of new civil society organizations (Bangladesh), the development of plans to address needs of marginal populations (India), and forging a transformational role for a new College of Health Sciences that is more relevant to the policy and programs of the health sector (Uganda).


87 pp.

Future Health Systems: Innovations for Equity RPC. Final Report (October 1, 2005-September 30, 2010).

Published 1 January 2010