Fresh Insights Number 15. Small-scale farmers who withdraw from GLOBALGAP: Results of a survey in Kenya.


This report summarises the responses to a survey of smallholder farmers in Kenya who grow crops for export as fresh produce to Europe. The survey form consisted of around fifty questions exploring business, livelihoods and market access. It was carried out by members of a Kenyan company in three regions of Kenya from which significant exports of fresh produce take place to Europe. The survey canvassed 102 farmers on their businesses and particularly the factors affecting their access to the export market which in all cases involved sale through intermediaries. The survey involved only farmers that had been GlobalGAP (formerly named EurepGAP) certified but whose certification had lapsed, or farmers who had made preparations for GlobalGAP but had not completed the process of obtaining certification.


International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK, 45 pp.

Fresh Insights Number 15. Small-scale farmers who withdraw from GLOBALGAP: Results of a survey in Kenya.

Published 1 January 2007