Forestry and low flows, spatial modelling and open GIS dissemination of the science perception- India - LOWFLOWS. final Technical Report.


Project Purpose. Knowledge relating to land-use and forest decision making promoted for the benefit of smallscale farmers within the Forest / Agriculture Interface. The project contributes directly to FRP Programme Output objectives as a strategy developed and promoted to maximize the benefit of small-scale farmers and landless families and the urban and peri-urban poor accruing from current global issues and generic tools. Livelihoods of poor people will be improved through improved methodologies for whole catchment management leading to greater access to water by poor people.


Centre for Land Use and Water Resources Research (CLUWRR),University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK., Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, Winrock International India, Resources Development Division, Regional Research Laboratory (CSIR), Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur. 28 pp.

Forestry and low flows, spatial modelling and open GIS dissemination of the science perception- India - LOWFLOWS. final Technical Report.

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Published 1 January 2006