Foreign aid as a gift relationship: a brief literature review for Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Appendix Four.


For the purposes of this brief review of literature published in English on foreign aid as a gift, a gift is understood as a material expression of a social relationship. It can be divided and analysed in four components, the object that is given, the chain of relationships through which the gift passes, the motives of those involved and the rules or principles governing their behaviour. In this paper it is argued that by thinking of aid as a gift we may learn to better manage the shadow side and promote the positive aspects of a socially embedded relationship which is what a gift expresses.


Foreign aid as a gift relationship: a brief literature review for Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. Appendix Four. (2003) 9 pp.

Foreign aid as a gift relationship: a brief literature review for Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. Appendix Four.

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Published 1 January 2003