Flip-flops and Turtles - Women's Participation in the Kiunga National Marine Reserve ICDP, Kenya.


The Kiunga Marine National Reserve Conservation and Development Project started in 1996/7 and involves a partnership between the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and WWF. It focuses on the Kiunga Marine National Reserve (KMNR) which was designated in 1979 and covers 25,000 ha of which about 20,000 ha is mangrove forest. A population of 15,000 people live in the Reserve distributed on the larger of the 51 islands and another 100,000 live in the surrounding areas. The majority of the population are Muslim and have lived there for all of their lives.

This case study is based upon a visit to the Kiunga National Marine Reserve in March, 2002. During this visit interviews were carried out with Project staff and women and men in the local communities.


Working Paper No 5, Engendering Eden Project, 7 pp.

Flip-flops and Turtles - Women’s Participation in the Kiunga National Marine Reserve ICDP, Kenya.

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Published 1 January 2002