Flexible Strategies for Coping with Rainfall Variability: Seasonal Adjustments in Cropped Area in the Ganges Basin

One of the main manifestations of climate change will be increased rainfall variability


Paper explores the flexibility in land use, through deliberate seasonal adjustments in cropped area, as a specific strategy for coping with rainfall variability in the Ganges Basin.


Siderius C, Biemans H, van Walsum PEV, van Ierland EC, Kabat P, Hellegers PJGJ (2016) Flexible Strategies for Coping with Rainfall Variability: Seasonal Adjustments in Cropped Area in the Ganges Basin. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0149397.

Flexible Strategies for Coping with Rainfall Variability: Seasonal Adjustments in Cropped Area in the Ganges Basin

Published 2 March 2016