Financing and incentives for neglected disease R&D: Opportunities and challenges


Issue 3 of DNDi Outlook presents comments to the WHO Consultative Expert Working Group (CEWG) on Research and Development financing and coordination. The items discussed comprise: new R&D landscape for neglected diseases; the need to increase resources for neglected disease R&D; how the DNDi model aims to reduce the costs of R&D through greater sharing of research knowledge and faster registration of needed products in endemic countries; and achieving a global public health and equitable access framework for R&D. It was concluded that the urgency of providing the necessary health tools to address the global neglected disease burden requires an expeditious and efficient response from all actors. At a time when many new actors, new policy proposals, and new funding initiatives have emerged in the field of health R&D, the WHO Global Strategy on Public Health, Innovation, and Intellectual Property could mark a turning point. Policymakers have the mandate to design a sustainable strategy and plan to empower existing initiatives and design better policies to boost innovation and ensure equitable access to the fruits of this innovation.


DNDi. Financing and incentives for neglected disease R&D: Opportunities and challenges. (2011) 4 pp.

Financing and incentives for neglected disease R&D: Opportunities and challenges

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Published 1 January 2011