Financing access and participation in primary education: Is there a ‘fast-track’ for fragile states?


Despite moves to ‘fast-track’ progress towards universal primary education, few fragile states have been able to access Fast Track Initiative (FTI) funding facilities. Weak systems and capacity have made these countries a high-risk proposition for donor investment. The absence of credible education sector plans has meant that the majority of fragile states are not eligible for endorsement to receive financial resources via the FTI. The analysis presented in this paper suggests that the FTI has struggled to identify suitable channels for resourcing education in these difficult development environments. Importantly, it finds that procedural and governance issues in particular have presented obstacles that have stymied the promotion of wider access to education in fragile states under the FTI umbrella.


International Journal of Educational Development (2011) 31 (4) 409-416 [doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2011.01.010]

Financing access and participation in primary education: Is there a ‘fast-track’ for fragile states?

Published 1 January 2011