Final Report: Meeting the challenges of Crisis States


This report sums up six years of research by the Crisis States Research Centre. Authors James Putzel and Jonathan Di John underline the fact that aid and other forms of external intervention need to be better directed in the so-called \"fragile states\" of the developing world. The authors argue that confusion permeates Western aid programmes in countries where states either face escalating violent challenges or are attempting reconstruction and state-building in the wake of war.

The report, which includes country and city case studies in Africa, Asia and Latin America and analysis of regional conflict trends, looks into the drivers of violent conflict in the developing world and why some states and cities have fared better than others in avoiding large-scale violence or in rebuilding public and private organisations after war. It highlights policy-relevant findings under seven thematic chapters. An extended introduction and executive summary at the outset of the report summarise its many findings on the political, economic and social dynamics of fragile states. They present new challenges to Western donors attempting to navigate the treacherous waters of conflict-prone states.


Putzel, J.; Di John, J. Final Report: Meeting the challenges of Crisis States. Crisis States Research Centre, LSE, London, UK (2012) 76 pp. ISBN 978-0-85328-477-2

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Published 1 January 2012