Final Report Desakota, Part II F4. Pakistan Case Study.


The case study was undertaken in the arid highland ecosystems of the Balochistan province of Pakistan. The purpose of the case study is to provide an 'evidence-based story' to illustrate changes in impacts and opportunities in the Pishin-Quetta-Mastung corridor, in the context of a social, technological and institutional transition described as desakota in this report. The fulcrum of the narrative is an ongoing transition in groundwater tapping technologies (from the ancient karez (qanat) system to tubewells) and the associated social, institutional and environmental changes. The impending climate change and associated scenarios provide the context within which, the ongoing trends must be interpreted. Towards that end, also included is a brief outline and review of the possible meso scale scenarios for the region. The case study draws upon published and unpublished—grey literature in addition to the results of a rapid rural appraisal (RRA) conducted in the area.


Khan, F.; Daanish Mustafa. Final Report Desakota, Part II F4. Pakistan Case Study. (2008) 19 pp.

Final Report Desakota, Part II F4. Pakistan Case Study.

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Published 1 January 2008