Final Country Report on Community-based Worker Systems in Kenya


Khanya-African Institute for Community Driven Development (Khanya-aicdd) has been managing a four-country action-research project on community-based worker (CBW) systems as a mechanism for pro-poor service delivery. This 3-year project was implemented in four countries, namely South Africa, Lesotho, Uganda and Kenya. The project is focusing on promoting dispersed, active and locally accountable community-based workers across various sectors, advocacy for policy and institutional support for community-based worker systems and strengthening linkages between community, government, facilitating agents and other stakeholders. The Project Purpose is that 'Organisations in South Africa, Uganda, Lesotho and Kenya have adapted and implemented a community-based worker system for service provision in the natural resource / HIV sectors, and policy makers and practitioners in the region have increased awareness of and interest in the use of CBW models for pro-poor service delivery'.

The overall objective of this report is to document the action-research process in Kenya from the inception of the project in January 2004 to its end in March 2007. The main activities undertaken included the review of in-country experiences of CBW systems shared in a workshop held in July 2004, participation in regional exchange workshops, a study tour to Peru, and the implementation and evaluation of the pilot projects. The report has four parts. Part A gives the background and explains the project purpose. Part B gives the situational analysis prior to the project. Part C explains what happened during the project. Part D discusses the recommendations and the way forward.


DFID, UK, xi + 49 pp.

Final Country Report on Community-based Worker Systems in Kenya

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Published 1 January 2007