Features, Governance Characteristics and Policy Implications of Non‐State Social Protection in Africa: A Synthesis Report on Nine Studies in Six Countries. PASGR Working Paper 013

A synthesis of 9 case studies on the governance characteristics and policy implications of non-state social protection services in 6 countries


This report is a synthesis of 9 case studies on the governance characteristics and policy implications of non-state social protection services in 6 countries in Africa: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda. The case studies sampled 30 local governments located in rural and urban areas. The studies were carried out in two phases. The first involved mapping all non-state social protection actors (NSAs) and services in the sampled areas. The second phase was an in-depth analysis of specific governance variables and how they relate to the performance of NSAs. The nine case studies illustrate the need for community based organisations to be brought from the periphery into the very heart of coordinated national social protection efforts.


PASGR. Features, Governance Characteristics and Policy Implications of Non State SocialProtection in Africa: A Synthesis Report on Nine Studies in Six Countries. PASGR Working Paper 013. Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR), Nairobi, Kenya (2016) 37 pp.

Features, Governance Characteristics and Policy Implications of Non‐State Social Protection in Africa: A Synthesis Report on Nine Studies in Six Countries. PASGR Working Paper 013

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Published 1 March 2016