Features, Governance Characteristics and Policy Implications of Non-State Social Protection in Africa


This paper is intended to explain PASGR’s interest in supporting African research on social protection; specifically, research that would contribute to policy actors’ knowledge about “non-state” social protection in Africa and its interaction with “state” provided social protection. The paper is primarily meant to guide African research teams preparing to submit a “concept note” in response to the call by PASGR under this research project. Prospective researchers should read the paper carefully along with the guidelines, concept note submission form and other relevant project information available on PASGR’s website http://www.pasgr.org/social-protection/. Section 5 of the paper provides more specific information on the nature of research that will be supported. Researchers (in Africa and elsewhere) concerned with social protection may also find the issues raised in the paper of interest in terms of their current or future research. Policy actors (NGOs, civil servants, politicians, academics, donor agencies, etc.) within and outside the region may also have an interest in the findings and lessons ultimately arising from the research supported under this project.


Anon. Features, Governance Characteristics and Policy Implications of Non-State Social Protection in Africa. Partnership for African Social & Governance Research (PASGR), Nairobi, Kenya (2012) 21 pp. [PASGR Research Framework Paper]

Features, Governance Characteristics and Policy Implications of Non-State Social Protection in Africa

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Published 1 January 2012