Feasibility Study of Options for Long Term Knowledge Sharing and Management: Inception Report


This report introduces a project intended to identify the most appropriate methods of storing and more importantly sharing and disseminating research findings and knowledge generated in the rural transport and development sector. The proposed solution(s) should exist beyond AFCAP and have the capacity to integrate or link with similar knowledge management and sharing solutions. The aim is to allow relevant research findings to be built upon and meet the key criteria of being accessible and available. These research findings shall be an evidence base, which can assist and support policymaking and technical delivery of relevant transport projects and programmes. The Inception Report outlines the scope and aims of the assignment, presents the methodology and workplan, and introduces the team members


Starkey, P.; Samhungu, F.; Fernando, P. Feasibility Study of Options for Long Term Knowledge Sharing and Management: Inception Report. (2013) 25 pp.

Feasibility Study of Options for Long Term Knowledge Sharing and Management: Inception Report

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Published 1 January 2013