Factsheet 5. Policy Review: Attitudes toward Migration in UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Action Plans


UNDAF Action Plans provide the strategic programme framework for UN Country Teams (UNCT). They outline the collective response of the UNCT to the priorities of the national development framework, and include a set of expected outcomes. The treatment of migration in UNDAF policy documents varies significantly from country to country. Some documents are preoccupied with support for migrants (see Bangladesh, Ghana, and Indonesia profiles), others with refugee issues (Kenya), others with rural-urban migration (Ethiopia), and others with brain drain (Zimbabwe).


Migrating out of Poverty. Factsheet 5. Policy Review: Attitudes toward Migration in UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Action Plans. Migrating out of Poverty Consortium, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK (2013) 2 pp.

Factsheet 5. Policy Review: Attitudes toward Migration in UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Action Plans

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Published 1 January 2013