Factors affecting uptake and adoption of outputs of crop protection research in peri-urban vegetable systems in Kenya. Final Technical Report.


This study was commissioned by DFID to investigate the factors influencing adoption and uptake of outputs of crop protection research in Kenya focusing on peri-urban vegetable production systems. Study findings indicate that peri-urban vegetable farming in Kenya is guided largely by market demand. The production system is resource intensive, often depending on irrigation and agricultural inputs. Farming is intensively done on small plots of land rarely exceeding one acre per crop often under irrigation.


Asaba, J. Factors affecting uptake and adoption of outputs of crop protection research in peri-urban vegetable systems in Kenya. Final Technical Report. CAB International, Africa Regional Centre, Nairobi, Kenya (2000) 105 pp.

Factors affecting uptake and adoption of outputs of crop protection research in peri-urban vegetable systems in Kenya. Final Technical Report.

Published 1 January 2000