FAC Working Paper 53. Narratives of China-Africa Cooperation for Agricultural Development: New Paradigms?


Through voices of Chinese officials, investment consultants, agronomists, researchers and civil society campaigners as well as examination of official documents, this paper explores Chinese narratives on: China’s own agriculture and development success; African agriculture challenges and opportunities; and the nature of China-Africa cooperation, to ask how to best engage with China-African agriculture cooperation to improve the outcomes for African agriculture.

This FAC Working Paper is an output of the \"China and Brazil in African Agriculture” (CBAA) project, funded by ESRC Grant ES/J013420/1.


Buckley, L. FAC Working Paper 53. Narratives of China-Africa Cooperation for AgriculturalDevelopment: New Paradigms? Future Agricultures Consortium, Brighton, UK (2013) 24 pp.

FAC Working Paper 53. Narratives of China-Africa Cooperation for Agricultural Development: New Paradigms?

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Published 1 January 2013