FAC Working Paper 50. Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture: The Case of Ethiopia


This paper provides an overview of Brazilian and Chinese agricultural development cooperation activities in Ethiopia. The paper first presents an overview of the cooperation in rural development in Ethiopia, followed by documentation of the level of engagement by Brazil and China in the major areas of cooperation, i.e. experience sharing in public governance, technical cooperation and strengthening private investment.

This FAC Working Paper is an output of the \"China and Brazil in African Agriculture” (CBAA) project, funded by ESRC Grant ES/J013420/1.


Dawit Alemu. FAC Working Paper 50. Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture:The Case of Ethiopia. Future Agricultures Consortium, Brighton, UK (2013) 11 pp.

FAC Working Paper 50. Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture: The Case of Ethiopia

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Published 1 January 2013