FAC Working Paper 48. Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture: The Case of Zimbabwe


This report describes the status of agricultural aid and cooperation programmes by Brazil and China in Zimbabwe from three perspectives. Firstly, a specification for each programme: the actors (governmental or otherwise) and their roles in the provision of such aid. Secondly, the nature of the aid and cooperation programmes: i.e. operational instruments used (e.g. financial support, technical cooperation, food aid, government-to-government, private sector driven), volumes pledged/disbursed, and a description of the status with specific projects and programmes. And thirdly, an analysis of the relevance and impacts (current and foreseen) of the cooperation programmes.

This FAC Working Paper is an output of the \"China and Brazil in African Agriculture” (CBAA) project, funded by ESRC Grant ES/J013420/1.


Mukwereza, L. FAC Working Paper 48. Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture:The Case of Zimbabwe. Future Agricultures Consortium, Brighton, UK (2013) 18 pp.

FAC Working Paper 48. Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture: The Case of Zimbabwe

Published 1 January 2013