External evaluation 2003–2007 - Long-term safety and effectiveness of copper-releasing IUDs: a case study


HRP’s research programme on intrauterine devices (IUDs) was initiated in 1972. At that time, multiple models existed, but their safety and efficacy had not been established in appropriate clinical trials. HRP’s research was designed to provide information on the safety of existing IUDs, the duration of effectiveness of copper IUDs, their mechanism of action and their relation to pelvic inflammatory disease. Another goal was to prepare internationally acceptable evidence-based guidelines for service delivery. These goals provided the foundation for HRP’s extended IUD research initiative.

Four main methods were used to obtain the information included in this report: personal interviews and continuous communication with HRP staff in Geneva; interviews with 21 experts on IUD research and use, in various geographical regions and institutions; review of a large number of HRP documents and publications; and analysis of national data on IUD use to estimate the impact of HRP’s work.


Rivera, R.; Winfrey, W. External evaluation 2003–2007 - Long-term safety and effectiveness of copper-releasing IUDs: a case study. (2008) 36 pp.

External evaluation 2003–2007 - Long-term safety and effectiveness of copper-releasing IUDs: a case study

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Published 1 January 2008