Exploring the Linkages between Children's Independent Migration and Education: Evidence from Ghana.


Migrating for education is an insufficiently stressed aspect in the literature on children's independent migration and it is frequently assumed that migration undermines children's educational opportunities. What little research has been done suggests that the link between children's migration and education is very context-specific. In this paper the linkages between children's independent migration and education - formal and non-formal - is explored in a specific context by drawing on interviews with young migrants who have moved from rural, farming households in northern Ghana to rural and urban households in central and southern Ghana. The paper illustrates how, in contrast to the positive light in which education is usually presented, the findings of this research suggests a more ambivalent and complex picture, and illuminates both positive and negative aspects of the linkages between child migration and education.


Paper presented to "Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies - CHILDHOODS 2005’, 29 June-3 July, Oslo, Norway. 36 pp.

Exploring the Linkages between Children’s Independent Migration and Education: Evidence from Ghana.

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Published 1 January 2005