Expanding reach of ACTs in the private sector: dialogue with countries. MMV access symposium, Accra, Ghana, 1-2 June 2008.


This purpose of this symposium was to share an overview of the status of access to antimalarials in Africa, and to share the latest thinking on how to expand the reach of artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) to the poor through the private sector. The symposium was attended by many Ghanaian pharmacists, scientists, physicians and regulators, representatives of 10 other African countries, and representatives of donor organizations, pharmaceutical companies, civil society organizations, other product development partnerships, national malaria control programmes, national drug regulators and the WHO. It began on the evening of 1 June, with a keynote speech by Dora Akunyili, Director General of the Nigerian National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). The 3 main sessions were entitled 'Are ACTs reaching people in Africa today?' (experience of different countries on this issue), 'Grappling with affordability in the private sector' (including subsidies), and 'Beyond affordability' (other measures required to ensure access). A report with summaries of the discussions and presentations, and links to the full presentations, is available, as are the agenda, the list of participants and brief biographies of the speakers.


Expanding reach of ACTs in the private sector: dialogue with countries. MMV access symposium, Accra, Ghana, 1-2 June 2008.

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Published 1 January 2008