Examinations and educational opportunity in China : mobility and bottlenecks for the rural poor.


Despite the important role played by examinations in educational stratification and mobility in China, to the author's knowledge there is no literature in English that investigates the impact of exams on educational attainment with empirical data. The authors address this gap with an investigation of how examinations shape opportunities for children of the rural poor, a vulnerable group of great contemporary policy significance.


An, X.; Cherng, H.Y, S.; Hannum, E. Examinations and educational opportunity in China: mobility and bottlenecks for the rural poor. Oxford Review of Education (2011) 37 (2) 267-305. [DOI: 10.1080/03054985.2011.559387]

Examinations and educational opportunity in China : mobility and bottlenecks for the rural poor.

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Published 1 January 2011