Ex Vivo Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to Antimalarial Drugs in Western, Northern, and Eastern Cambodia 2011-2012: Association with Molecular Markers

Presents results from a longitudinal surveillance program to track the spread and emergence of multi drug-resistant parasites in Cambodia


Methods and materials used as part of this longitudinal surveillance program were:

  • parasite isolates
  • antimalarial drug preparation
  • ex vivo drug susceptibility assay
  • pfmdr1 copy number estimation
  • copy number of an X5r linked to PPQ resistance
  • statistical analysis


Lim, P et al. Ex vivo susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to antimalarial drugs in western, northern, and eastern Cambodia, 2011-2012: association with molecular markers. Antimicrobal Agents and Chemotheraphy (2013) November; 57(11): 5277-83 pp.

Ex Vivo Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to Antimalarial Drugs in Western, Northern, and Eastern Cambodia 2011-2012: Association with Molecular Markers

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Published 12 August 2013