Evolution of Solid Waste Management Policy Landscape in Kenya: Analysis of evolvement of policy priorities and strategies

This is a synthesis of the policy priorities and strategies stipulated by the major solid waste management policies since independence


This study was an integrative synthesis of the policy priorities and strategies stipulated by the major solid waste management (SWM) policies in Kenya since independence. The study also examines how they address SWM associated health outcomes.

The synthesis addressed the evolvement, devolvement and segmentation of solid waste management policies as well as the institutional mechanisms for policy processes and external policies shaping the policy landscape.

This is an output from the Urban Africa: Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK) programme


Tilahun Haregu, Blessing Mberu, Abdhalah K. Ziraba. 2016. Evolution of Solid Waste Management Policy Landscape in Kenya: Analysis of evolvement of policy priorities and strategies.  African Population and Health Research Center, Nairobi, Kenya, Urban ARK Working Paper No.7.

Evolution of Solid Waste Management Policy Landscape in Kenya: Analysis of evolvement of policy priorities and strategies

Published 31 March 2016