Evaluation of a tuberculosis active case finding project in peri-urban areas, Myanmar: 2014-2016

Design of study is a cross-sectional analysis of project records, township TB registers and annual TB reports


This study assessed the effect of an active case finding (ACF) project on tuberculosis (TB) case notification and the yields from a household and neigbourhood intervention (screening contacts of historical index TB patients diagnosed >24 months ago) and a community intervention (screening attendants of health education sessions/mobile clinics).

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Aye S, Majumdar SS, Oo MM, Tripathy JP, Satyanarayana S, Kyaw NTT, Kyaw KWY, Oo NL, Thein S, Thu MK, Soe KT, Aung ST. Evaluation of a tuberculosis active case finding project in peri-urban areas, Myanmar: 2014-2016. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2018;2014–6.

Evaluation of a tuberculosis active case finding project in peri-urban areas, Myanmar: 2014-2016

Published 17 February 2018