European Community's Poverty Reduction Effectiveness Programme (EC-PREP) research project: Streamlining poverty-environment linkages in the European Community's development assistance


The first section of this final report comprises an introduction split into the following parts: background and problem statement, objective, methodology, key findings, recommendations, and key limitations/challenges.

This report calls on the need to improve environment-poverty streamlining in early stages of country/CSP programming towards more sufficiently prioritizing (and financing) environmental and related activities. Various entry points to strengthen environment-poverty integration in the CSP process are identified. These notably include practical suggestions on: developing useable guidelines to integrate the environment-poverty dimension in focal areas of EC development cooperation (macro support, transport, rural development, etc.); integrating poverty-environment linkages at the core of CSP/country programming; developing clear strategic institutional procedures to improve accountability of environment mainstreaming in country programming; and prioritizing support towards developing strong environmental management in partner ACP countries.

The rest of the document is organised as follows:

II. National case studies
<u>II.1 Analytical framework of EC Country Strategy Papers</u>
Poverty-environment analytical framework in EC Country Strategy Papers: Rwanda evaluation (2002 - 2007)
Poverty-environment analytical framework in EC Country Strategy Papers Tanzania (2000) [and Madagascar (2001)]
Poverty-environment analytical framework in EC Country Strategy Papers: Tanzania CSP Update (2004)

<u>II.2 Poverty Multi-level analysis and Institutional evaluation</u>
Poverty Multi-level analysis Institutional evaluation
Tanzania Poverty Multi-level analysis Institutional evaluation

III. Brussels-level
Institutional and policy opportunities to improve environment-poverty streamlining in the CSP process: institutional evaluation at EC level

IV. Awareness Raising material
Follow up dissemination workshop in Rwanda, Tanzania and Brussels Post completion impact report.

Individual outputs have also been created for the separate documents making up the final report.


European Community’s Poverty Reduction Effectiveness Programme (EC-PREP) research project: Streamlining poverty-environment linkages in the European Community’s development assistance, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Brussels and Washington, D.C., 13 pp.

European Community’s Poverty Reduction Effectiveness Programme (EC-PREP) research project: Streamlining poverty-environment linkages in the European Community’s development assistance

Published 1 January 2005