Environmental crime and corruption



We are interested in the relationship between corruption and environmental crime. In particular, what are the vulnerabilities (people, policy, procedures) that could be exploited corruptly in this area? What recommendations would you make to developed countries to counter corruption in this area? Are there examples of international best practice that have been particularly effective? We are most interested in the Asia-Pacific region.


Environmental crime covers activities ranging from illegal logging, illegal trade in ozone depleting substances, dumping and illegal transport of hazardous wastes, to unreported fishing. It often includes a transnational dimension, which makes it highly profitable. It poses serious threats to the environment, contributing to poverty and food insecurity. It can weaken the state due to organised crime activities and corruption.


Martini, M. Environmental crime and corruption. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, CMI, Bergen, Norway (2012) 9 pp. [U4 Expert Answer 326]

Environmental crime and corruption

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Published 1 January 2012