Enhancing livelihoods and NR management in peri-urban villages near Hubli-Dharwad. Scientific report.


The main report (FTR) for this project addressed to what extent the project purpose and outputs had been met, in prescribed DFID format. Where relevant, findings from the research were presented. This research report presents a consolidated review of the research assignment, drawing together the main findings from the annexes which follow, and setting the research in the context of current understanding and debate.


Brook, R. and Allen, A. 2005. Enhancing livelihoods and NR management in peri-urban villages near Hubli-Dharwad. Scientific report. Annex A of the Final Technical Report for project R8084. Bangor: School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Wales. 65 pp.

Enhancing livelihoods and NR management in peri-urban villages near Hubli-Dharwad. Scientific report.

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Published 1 January 2005