English Proficiency Assessments of Primary and Secondary Teachers and Students Participating in English in Action: Second Cohort (2013)


The purpose of the study was to assess the student learning outcomes of English in Action’s (EIA’s) School Based Teacher Development programme, in terms of improved English language (EL) competence, against recognised international frameworks (specifically, the Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) (Trinity College London [TCL] 2013), which map onto the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Trinity College London 2007)). Measurably improved student learning outcomes are the ultimate test of success of a teacher development programme. A secondary purpose of the study was to explore whether there was any related increase in teachers’ EL competence. English Proficiency Assessments 2013 is a repeat of the study on the pilot EIA programme (Cohort 1) (EIA 2012).


Eyres, I.; Power, T.; McCormick, R.; Burton, S. English Proficiency Assessments of Primary and Secondary Teachers andStudents Participating in English in Action: Second Cohort (2013). English in Action (EIA), Dhaka, Bangladesh (2014) 54 pp.

English Proficiency Assessments of Primary and Secondary Teachers and Students Participating in English in Action: Second Cohort (2013)

Published 1 January 2014