Energy Use to Reduce Poverty - Final Report for Phase 1: (R8020)


The development of methodologies for the gender and education sectors that could generate robust quantitative evidence on linkages with energy and poverty, and recommendations for further work are included in this report.

In this project, the approach taken for each sector (gender and education) was:
- A country-specific literature review and stakeholder consultation to assist with determining the research hypothesis
-The development of a methodology (guidance and questionnaire)
- Limited pilot testing and peer-review workshop to refine the methodology
- Recommendations for further work.

Sections 2 and 3 of this report describe the approach in more detail for gender and education respectively. Section 4 summarises the dissemination activities undertaken, Section 5 provides the conclusions from this work and Section 6 looks forward with recommendations for future work. The final methodologies are provided in Appendix E.


Future Energy Solutions, Harwell, UK, 278 pp.

Energy Use to Reduce Poverty - Final Report for Phase 1: (R8020)

Published 1 January 2004