Ending Tuberculosis by 2030: can we do it?

The Sustainable Development Goals aim to end TB related deaths, transmission and catastrophic costs by 2030


The Sustainable Development Goals aim to end tuberculosis (TB) related deaths, transmission and catastrophic costs by 2030. Multisectorial action to accelerate socio-economic development, a new vaccine and novel diagnostics and medicines for treatment are key advances needed to end TB transmission. Achieving 90-90-90 targets for TB (i.e., 90% of vulnerable populations screened, 90% diagnosed and started on treatment, and at least 90% cured) will help accelerate progress towards reductions in mortality; however, passive case detection strategies, multidrug-resistant TB, human immunodeficiency virus coinfection and outdated pathways to care need to be overcome. Ending the catastrophic costs associated with TB will require expansion of health insurance coverage, comprehensive coverage of TB services, and limited indirect costs by vulnerable and poor populations.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Suthar AB, Zachariah R, Harries AD (2016) .Ending Tuberculosis by 2030: can we do it? International Journal Tuberculosis Lung Disease. 2016 Sep; 20(9):1148-54. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.16.0142.

Ending Tuberculosis by 2030: can we do it?

Published 1 September 2016