Empowerment and water among pastoralist women in Northern Kenya

This study explores questions around women, water and gendered power relations in Maasai and Samburu counties


This study explores questions around women, water and gendered power relations in Maasai and Samburu counties of Northern Kenya. It looks at both water-secure and water-insecure communities. The study is based on the premise that one way that women in patriarchal pastoralist communities are disempowered in relation to men in through the gendered dynamics of domestic and livestock water security. It anticipated that the poor performance of local water security initiatives would be shown to be a factor in women’s relative disempowerment.

This is an output from the REACH ‘Improving Water Security for the Poor’ programme


Centre for Humanitarian Change (2018) Empowerment and water among pastoralist women in Northern Kenya. Nairobi: Centre for Humanitarian Change

Empowerment and water among pastoralist women in Northern Kenya

Published 30 November 2018