Educational quality, effectiveness and evaluation: perspectives from China, South America and Africa (Chapter 9)


Findings of the IEEQC project are presented alongside related findings from Chile and Zanzibar.


Thomas, S.; Salim, M.; Muñoz, B.; Peng, WenJung. Educational quality, effectiveness and evaluation: perspectives from China, South America and Africa (Chapter 9). In: Chapman, C.; Armstrong, P.;Harris, A.; Muijs, D.; Reynolds, D.; Sammons, P. (Editors) School effectiveness and improvement research, policy and practice: challenging the orthodoxy? Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, UK (2011) 125-146. ISBN 978-0-415-69894-8

Educational quality, effectiveness and evaluation: perspectives from China, South America and Africa (Chapter 9)

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Published 1 January 2011