Education for children with disabilities

Access to education and measurable learning outcomes for children with disabilities in countries such as Tanzania


This report provides a rapid literature review of the evidence on what data and evidence exists, to identify, categorise and support children with disabilities to access education and achieve measurable learning outcomes in Tanzania and other similar resource-constrained contexts. Literature focused on the debate between mainstream and specialist education for children with disabilities is discussed. Where possible, the report flags gender dimensions. While the scope of the report did not allow for complex judgements to be made about the quality of the body of evidence, or of the strength of individual pieces of evidence, details were included to enable the reader to undertake such analysis if needed in the future, using the Department for International Development’s ‘How to Note on Assessing the Strength of Evidence’. All the evidence included was in English, no more than 10 years old and from peer reviewed journals. A number of experts in the field were consulted.

K4D helpdesk reports provide summaries of current research, evidence and lessons learned. This report was commissioned by the UK Department for International Development.


Thompson, S. (2017). Education for children with disabilities. K4D Helpdesk Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.

Education for children with disabilities

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Published 26 May 2017