Economics of Coastal Zone Adaptation to Climate Change


This study estimates the costs of adaptation to climate change in coastal areas, and is a background paper for the World Bank Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) study.

In terms of climate change, sea-level rise is the climate driver that is analyzed; the possibility of enhanced storm impacts due to higher water levels in areas subject to tropical storms and cyclones is also considered as a sensitivity analysis with the high sea-level-rise scenario. The analysis uses the framework of the Dynamic Interactive Vulnerability Assessment (DIVA) model to explore the costs of three main protection responses (sea and river dike construction and maintenance, beach nourishment and port upgrades) to climate change, using four scenarios of global sea-level rise.


World Bank, Washington DC, USA. Discussion Paper 10, 62 pp.

Economics of Coastal Zone Adaptation to Climate Change

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Published 1 January 2010