Economic shocks and Miombo woodland resource use : A household level study in Mozambique


Quantitative analysis of household use of miombo resources is limited, and detailed accounts of a full range of environmental resources are scanty. This paper aims to (a) quantify the contribution of miombo woodlands to the household economy; (b) assess the role of miombo woodlands as safety nets in the face of household level economic shocks; and (c) identify the socio-economic determinants of woodland resource use, in the buffer zone of the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. Environmental resources from the miombo woodlands make significant contributions to household economies in the study area. Linkages between income levels and miombo resource use are complex. Poorer households tend to use miombo resources for subsistence, while richer households use them for cash income. The results demonstrate that environmental resources act as a crucial safety net against income shocks, related to health shocks and fire damage. The results highlight the need for incorporating use of miombo woodlands into poverty reduction strategies.


Hedge, R.; Bull, G. Economic shocks and Miombo woodland resource use : A household level study in Mozambique. In: Managing the Miombo woodlands of Southern Africa : policies, incentives and options for the rural poor. The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA (2008) 80-105.

Economic shocks and Miombo woodland resource use : A household level study in Mozambique

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Published 1 January 2008