Donors, rights-based approaches and implications for global citizenship: a case study from Peru.


How far can foreign governments go in supporting the realization of the rights of citizens of other countries? The country programmes of most bilateral aid agencies are hesitating to move from declaration to implementation of rights-based approaches. Nevertheless, innovation and enterprise flourish on the margins of the mainstream. It is here we must look for efforts to put declarations into practice. This chapter explores the challenges and risks facing a foreign aid agency when it seeks to do so. Based on interviews with the staff concerned, and illustrated with four examples from a broader range of efforts, this is the story of a small country office on the periphery of a large bilateral international aid programme: the Peru office of the UK Department for International Development (DFID).

Owing to copyright restrictions, only the first 3 pages are attached, together with a link to the book at Zed Books.


N Kabeer (ed.) Inclusive Citizenship: Meanings and Expressions. London: Zed Books. ISBN: 9781842775486

Published 1 January 2005