Domestic Resource Mobilization in Africa. Burundi.


The North-South Institute has been working with African, UK and Canadian partners on case studies exploring the potential for domestic resource mobilization (DRM) in five Sub-Saharan countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. DRM refers to savings and investments that are generated by both the public sector (primarily through taxation) and the private sector (as a channel for private savings by households and domestic firms). Interest in DRM as a means to support sustainable growth and reduce dependence on external aid has been growing: in 2002, the Monterrey Consensus made improved DRM the first of its leading recommended actions; and, the current global economic crisis has only drawn more attention to DRM’s potential, due to declining flows in external assistance and global remittances. This summary sets out our key project findings for Burundi.


Project Brief, (2010), North-South Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 2 pp.

Domestic Resource Mobilization in Africa. Burundi.

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Published 1 January 2010